“Much has been accomplished, but much more needs to be done.”

Will you join me?

As a faculty member, I know how essential education is to creating a vibrant and productive society. Having been in the classroom for over twenty years, I’ve seen education change lives and am inspired everyday by students and  their ability to dream, hope, and attain their goals amidst the many obstacles on their path. 

As President of Peralta Board, we’ve accomplished many things in the past few years including moving the colleges off Probation with ACCJC; rejecting state takeover from the State Chancellor’s office; stabilizing strong leadership at the District; bettering relations within the Board that have been at the core of many problems; strengthening the data integrity of the district through finer oversight of finances, structural changes in policy, and a technology implementation that will strengthen internal controls.

Statewide, I have been active on the State Academic Senate (ASCCC). I have been on the Legislation and Advocacy, Curriculum, Academic Integrity, Education Policy, and Governance and Internal Policies committees. These involvements have given me the knowledge, understanding, and experience with legislation before they trickle down through the System into our Districts, then into the classrooms.

Regionally, I am a Commissioner on the Accrediting body for all community colleges in California (ACCJC). My work with ACCJC allows me to see how colleges throughout California operate in the areas of governance, integrated planning, quality of educational programs, integrity within the learning environment, and in fiscal planning and allocation.

The Peralta Colleges -- Merritt, Laney, Berkeley City, and College of Alameda--have extraordinary staff and faculty who are committed to providing excellent education for all students.  

However,  excellence in education requires continued excellence in governance.

We have more work ahead of us, but we can do this together. 

Will you join me?


Accountability. Stability. Re-engaging learning in a post-Covid environment.